"Damos la bienvenida al Profesor Albarran , alumnos y a todos los interesados en consultar, trabajar y comentar en dicho blog."

Friday, September 30, 2011

1 de octubre


Action Alert:


Thursday, Sept. 29 -- National Call-in Day for Justice for Buen Pastor Congregation

Your help is needed NOW to fight the deportation of 22 members of the Buen Pastor congregation in North Carolina.
Last Thursday, 22 members of the Buen Pastor congregation had a hearing in Charlotte, North Carolina to fight their deportation. Immigration judge, Barry Pettinato, denied the motion to suppress evidence and terminate proceedings. He also denied a continuance to allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials to make a decision to drop the charges.
As a result, two members were given final deportation orders and seventeen members were given voluntary departure; the seventeen will need to pay voluntary departure bonds of $500 each within five business days. Three members who qualify for immigration relief will continue to have hearings in the Charlotte court. The congregation will appeal the decision with the Board of Immigration Appeals, which will put their removal dates on hold.
The process with the courts may take up to eighteen months, and the families face an uncertain future. However, ICE can take action NOW to drop the case. Over 800 people across the country have already signed the petition urging ICE to drop all charges and dismiss the case -- but after a month and a half, ICE has not responded.
Join us in a National Call-In Day on Thursday, Sept. 29, to ICE Secretary John Morton. Please tell him to keep these families together, and drop all charges in the case of the Buen Pastor congregation.
Call ICE Today!
Dial (800) 394-5855 and tell them:
Hello, I am calling from ______________________ to urge John Morton to drop the charges against all the families involved in the Buen Pastor congregation case in which 22 men, women, and children are facing deportation. Over 800 individuals have signed a petition asking for him to drop the deportation proceedings for this case but have not received a response.
• John Morton has the power to take action today to drop charges.

• Members of Buen Pastor are exactly the kind of individuals who should benefit from President Obama’s August 18th announcement that DHS should use discretion to close cases of individuals who are positive influences on our communities, and who furthermore, are victims of civil rights abuses.

• The church members have filed a complaint and now have an open investigation with the DHS office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties for rights violations including racial profiling, denied access to interpreters, denied access to legal counsel, and threats to take away their children.
Join us in raising our voices to bring real justice for these families. Thank you for your time.

Tell us how the call went by filling out a brief survey.

Then forward this e-mail to three friends and ask them to make a call.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Primer aportaciòn:

De parte de nuestra compañera Lupita Seia:

1) Invitaciòn al seminario internacional: "Pensar y mirar la Protesta", la cual se llevara acabo los dias 3 y 4 de noviembre en Zacatecas No. 94, Colonia Roma Norte, Delegación Cuauhtemoc., 06700, Ciudad de México.
Para mayor información dejo a ustedes el siguiente link el cual tambien estara disponible en la sección de "las ligas".

2) La segunda invitaciòn es para la "III Jornadas Andino Mesoamericanas"
Movimiento Indígena: Tierra-territorio, autonomía, Estado y transformación social. Con la participacion los paises: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mèxico y Perù.
Dicho evento se llevara acabo los dias 28, 29 y 30 de septiembre en el Teatro del Pueblo, ubicado en la calle de Republica de Venezuela No 72, en el Centro Historico del Distrito Federal.
Para mayor informaciòn dejo la siguiente pagina en donde podran ver el programa del evento, mesas de trabajo y croquis del lugar entre otras cosas que les seran de importancia.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Damos la bienvenida al Profesor Albarran , alumnos y a todos los interesados en consultar, trabajar y comentar en dicho blog.